Sunday, 21 December 2014

Research & Planning: Ethics & Permissions

When creating my production I need to be aware of ethics and permissions and if there are any that effect me and my main product/ancillary products.

  • Because I intend to potentially throw a necklace into a body of water I need to be careful when doing this that no fish are harmed. To do this I will have to survey the area I want to throw it into. 
  • I also need to ensure that I get the necklace back out of the water so I don't litter/harm anything. To do this I will have what I need to remove it.
  • Ensure that the magazine advert is suitable for the audience/ethically correct
  • Where I intend to film is a public place therefore I will not need to be granted permission to film there 
  • I'm also intending to use part of my house so for that I also won't need permission

  • Update: I have now filmed and the way I got around the ethical issues of throwing a necklace in the water was to change the scene by instead of chucking the necklace I filmed a close up of her dropping the necklace on the ground. This change makes no real difference to the meaning behind her leaving the necklace therefore is the better option.

Friday, 19 December 2014

Research & Planning: Health and Safety

I have once again looked into health and safety of using VDUs. I previously looked/researched into this last year when filming my AS production. I have looked at it again to refresh my memory and see if there have been any changes to it.

Other Health and Safety factors I might need to look into:

  •  The safety of driving and filming. For this to be as safe as possible I will have to ensure that the person filming isn't affecting the driver's vision etc. This can be done by deciding the best shot before setting off and checking that the specific shot doesn't disrupt the driver. 
  • Update: I recently filmed and when driving I kept at a safe distance that worked well and so therefore there was no issue. 
I've also looked into risk assessments but because of how small my production is they aren't necessary but regardless I looked into them, here.