Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Editing: Ancillary Products Improvements

These are the improvements that I'm going to make -
  • Use different range of font for poster & possibly different font for the title of the advert to make it stand out - I'm going to play about with using a different font to see if it will work. The only issue is that for continuity and aesthetics it being the same might be better,
  • More detail of copyright on the back - although I researched into whats on the back of Bon Iver's albums and there wasn't any info about copyright I will research into this more.
  • ',' on the advert but no on the EP - I will correct this issue.

Changing the font - 
I started by trying various different fonts to see if there was another one that was suitable
'Charlemagne Std' was one of the options which I asked for feedback on. It was decided it wasn't different enough.
In the end 'Didot' was the most suitable and when asked for feedback agreed that it was different enough to make it stand out, the bold font being part of that.

Detail of Copyright on back -
I went back and checked my research about the back of the Digipak and have decided that detailed copyright information isn't usually conventional on Bon Iver's albums therefore I don't feel it's necessary. 

Correcting grammatical errors
I have now added the missing coma.

I have now made all the necessary improvements to my ancillary products and they are finished.

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