Wednesday 2 July 2014

Research & Planning: My Chosen Brief & My Ideas

This is the Prezi that I made which lightly highlights the brief I've chosen and my ideas so far.

Research & Planning: Feedback on Understanding How Groups of Media Artefacts Link

Here is the feedback I received from presenting my presentation on Orange Is The New Black to my class and teacher:
The majority of the feedback was positive. The constructive criticism I received was very helpful and it included: Expand on the brand identity, and to say more about it - recognisable colours, merchandise, the hashtag etc. To highlight the fact that it was a web-based exclusive and also to say what TV channel it is now on. 

Research & Planning: Understanding How Groups of Media Artefacts Link

The presentation I created can be seen here 'Click Here'.
Creating and presenting this presentation showed me some of my strengths and weaknesses. A strength being that my confidence since AS has grown to be able to deliver my presentation with confidence and also that my digital literacy has developed which reflects in my presentation. A weakness is probably that I could improve the content in my presentation to highlight more on brand identity etc.